community manager

community manager
Web3 Talent

Good day! I saw your job listing and wanted to try my luck and apply for the position of Community Manager. While young, I take pride in the fact that I have had the pleasure of building and managing communities even before community management was a thing. It started back around 2015-16, wherein the creation of Discord proved itself to be a revolutionary breakthrough in gaming, allowing for groups of like-minded individuals to congregate and establish a focal point of communication. Being an avid game and tech enthusiast myself, I am proud to admit that I am one of the earlier adopters of this concept and have had the opportunity to grow my ...

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Active 2 months ago
🌱 Member since July 2022
Open to Full-time
Open to Part-time
Open to Relocation
Accepts Fiat
Accepts Crypto

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Member since July 2022